TikTok inspired
language learning

Turn Tiktok's addictiveness into your language superpower.

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Download SUPALANG for iOS on the App Store
SUPALANG Playstore Coming soon

Scroll through your language clips

I've been hooked on short-form videos like TikTok and YouTube Shorts. One day, I thought, why not channel this addiction into something productive, like language learning? That's how Supalang was born. With Supalang, you can scroll through language clips and learn Korean or Japanese in a fun and engaging way.

Phone Mockup

Detailed explanation for each clip

When learning a new language, I often found myself wasting a lot of time searching for meanings, grammar rules, and pronunciations. To solve this, I included all the detailed information in each clip, so you don't have to search for it yourself.

Phone Mockup

Spaced repetition system

Spaced repetition is one of the most effective tools for language learners. With Supalang, you can save language clips and review them later, just like you would with other spaced repetition programs such as Anki.

Phone Mockup

Watch 1-minute tutorial

Download SUPALANG for iOS on the App Store
SUPALANG Playstore Coming soon
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